16S rRNA gene sequence detection of acetic acid bacteria isolated from tea kombucha
Soheir S Abd, El-Salam
Kombucha is a benefit to people suffering from cancer due to increasing its acidity by the bacterium. This study to isolate and identify the bacterium samples from tea kombucha. Six acetic acid bacteria were isolated from traditional Kombucha fermentation of tea belonging to the family acetobacteraceae, genera Gluconacetobacter, and Acetobacter. Acetic acid productivity yielded isolate No.1 that produced a higher amount of acid. The isolate was catalase - Positive, oxidase - negative, strictly aerobic, Gram-negative rods, grow on yeast extract with 30% glucose and grow on glycerol variable on maltose but not methanol as carbon sources. The isolates oxidized ethanol of yeast kombucha to acetic acid; therefore, they were tentatively identified as Acetobacter species. The highest producer of acetic acid (11.2) was selected for identification by 16S rRNA gene sequences, and phylogenetic analysis confirmed their position in the genes Acetobacter. On GYC agar, colonies are beige, round, convex, smooth, and shiny and approximately 0.8mm in diameter after incubation at 28C for 4 days. The PCR product with a size of about 1500 bp DNA was amplified. Based on the genotypic and phenotypic data, the isolate represent species of genus Acetobacter for which the name A.aceti is proposed.
Keywords: acetic acid, acetobacter, acidity, cancer, ethanol, gluconacetobacter, glucose, ph
Country: Egypt
Citation: New York Science Journal, 5(3)
Study Mailing Address:
Botany Dept.Fac. Sci. Benha Univ. Egypt.
Date Updated: April 21, 2020