A Review on Kombucha Tea-Microbiology, Composition, Fermentation, Beneficial Effects,Toxicity, and Tea Fungus
Rasu Jayabalan, Radomir V. Malbaa, Eva S. Lonar, Jasmina S. Vitas, Muthuswamy Sathishkumar
Fermentation of sugared tea with a symbiotic culture of acetic acid bacteria and yeast (tea fungus) yields kombucha tea, which is consumed worldwide for its refreshing and beneficial properties on human health. Important progress has been made in the past decade concerning research findings on kombucha tea and reports claiming that drinking kombucha can prevent various types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, promote liver functions, and stimulate the immune system. Considering the widespread reports on kombucha, we recognized the need to review and update the research conducted in relation to kombucha tea, its products, and tea fungus. Existing reports have suggested that the protective effects of kombucha tea are as good as those of black tea; however, more studies on kombucha tea and its composition are needed before final conclusions can be made.
Keywords: acetic acid, black tea, cancer, liver, review
Country: India
Citation: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(4), 538-550.
Study Mailing Address:
Jayabalan is with Food Microbiology and Bioprocess Laboratory, Dept. of Life Science, Natl. Inst. of Technology, Rourkela, 769 008, Odisha, India. Authors Malbasa, Loncar, and Vitas are with Univ. of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000, Novi Sad, Serbia. Author Sathishkumar is with R&D Div., Eureka Forbes Ltd., Schedule No. 42, P-3/C, Haralukunte, Kudlu, Bangalore, 560068, India
Date Updated: March 9, 2020