Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Organoleptik Kombucha Daun Kelor Dengan Lama Fermentasi Dan Konsentrasi Daun Kelor Yang Berbeda
Agustina WIDYASARI, Dra Aminah Asngad, MSi
Kombucha is a beverage product of tea and sugar fermentation with adding microbial starter kombucha is name Acetobacter xylinum and yeast. In generally, kombucha made by
using tealeaves that have high antioxidant content. One of the leaf that has high antioxidant content expect tealeaves are moringa leaves. The purpose of this research is to know the
the activity of the antioxidant of moringa leaves kombucha, and organoleptik moringa leaves kombucha. This method used in this research is completely randomized design with 2
factors, the first factor is the concentration of dry moringa leaves 10 g (R1), 20 g (R2), 30 g (R3), the second factor is the long fermentation 4 day (F1), 8 days (F2), 12 day (F3). The
result of the research is showing the higher antioxidant activity is R3F2 (30 g moringa leaves and 8 day fermentation) amounted to 67,59% and the lower antioxidant activity is
R1F3 (10 g moringa leaves and 4 day fermentation) amount to 23,83%. The quality of organoleptik moringa leaf kombucha with the higher received is R2F1 that has brown
color, the aroma has a little aroma like kombucha and a little sour taste. The conclusion of this research is long fermentation and concentration of moringa leaves influence on the
antioxidant activity and organoleptik kombucha.
Keywords: kombucha, fermentation, moringa leaves, antioxidant activity.
Country: Indonesia
Study Mailing Address:
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Date Updated: February 28, 2020