Analysis on antioxidant activity of fruit Kombucha beverage
GAO Yan-yan, ZHU Xian-feng
The total phenolics and antioxidant activity of Kombucha beverage by adding apple, orange, and kiwi juice were determined. The results showed that the total phenols of the three kinds of fruit Kombucha beverages were positively correlated with the change of reducing power. The total phenol of Kombucha beverage of kiwi was the highest, reached 319 mg/m L, and the total phenol Kombucha beverage of orange was 308 mg/m L, the total phenol of Kombucha beverage of apple was 305 mg/m L. The antioxidant activity of the three kinds of fruit Kombucha beverage showed that the scavenging ability of DPPH free radicals and the scavenging ability of(O_2~-E) was 90%. The scavenging ability of(EOH) of Kombucha beverage of kiwi was the strongest, followed by Kombucha beverage of orange, apple Kombucha beverage were the weakest, but were also more than 30%.
Country: China
Citation: Food Science and Technology
Study Mailing Address:
College of Life Science, Henan University
Date Updated: April 30, 2020