Antimicrobial Activity of Broth Fermented with Kombucha Colonies
Rodrigo Jos Santos Jnior, Rejane Andrade Batista, Sheyla Alves Rodrigues, Lauro Xavier Filho, lvaro Silva Lima
The kombucha is a consortium of yeast and bacterias originally from China and able to produce a fermented broth, which presents antimicrobial activity against some pathogenic microorganisms. The goal of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of fermented broth by kombucha colonies in the same condition used in a hospital in the Northeast of Brazil and to optimize the medium of kombucha growth. The fermented growth was efficient against Microsporum canis (LM-828), Escherichia coli (CCT-0355), and Salmonella typhi (CCT-1511). The best conditions of inhibition against M. canis (> 32mm) and E. coli (16 mm) was observed at pH 4.0, 55% of commercial sugar and 0.10 g/l of MgSO4, and for S. Typhi (32 mm) without MgSO4. The conditions and time of fermentation used in the hospital are wrong.
Keywords: antimicrobial, e. coli, ph, time
Country: Brazil
Citation: J Microbial Bioche m Technol 1 (2009): 072-078. JMBT/Vol.1 Issue 1
Study Mailing Address:
1Universidade Tiradentes, Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, Prdio do ITP. CEP: 49032-490, Aracaju-Sergipe-Brazil [ CONTACT FOR PAPER Lima, Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, Farolndia, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. 49032-490, Tel/Fax: +557932182190]
Date Updated: March 25, 2020