Tuti Rahayu
Cholesterol is a type of fat that is normally present in the blood, but in high concentrations of cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, which ultimately will have an impact on coronary heart disease. One alternative treatment that does not cause side effects is the use of kombucha. Kombucha, originally known as Kombucha tea (KT) have now successfully developed kombucha coffee (KC) This study aims to study the effect of differences in KC and KT to changes in blood cholesterol levels of white rats (Rattus norvegicus L). In this study, the use of animal testing male white mice, strain WS, aged 2 months with an average of 200 g. The method used was a completely randomized design experiment with two factors: dose and frequency so that any kind of kombucha into 5 treatment groups, namely K0 (Control), K1.1 (dose 1.8 ml / 200 g BW / 1x / day), K1 .2 (dose 1.8 ml / 200 g BW / 2x / day), K2.1 (dose 2.7 ml / 200 g BW / 1x / day), and K2.2 (dose 2.7 ml / 200 g BB / 2x / day). Coffee kombucha given by mouth for 35 days. The parameters measured were blood cholesterol levels of mice at the beginning and end of the treatment. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, followed by two lines and DMRT. The results showed that KC fluids could lower blood cholesterol levels more than the white rat KT. It can be concluded that liquids KC has more influence on blood cholesterol levels compared to mice and doses KT kombucha liquid coffee is the most effective in lowering the dose of 2.7 ml / 200 g BW for 35 days 2 times a day with less frequency.
Keywords: cholesterol, coffee, mice, rats, time
Country: Indonesia
Citation: Volume 6 No. 2, October
Study Mailing Address:
Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Date Updated: March 2, 2020