Effect of Kombucha on gut-microbiota in mouse having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Youngmi Jung, Inyoung Kim, Mohamed Mannaa, Jinnyun Kim, Sihyung Wang, Inmyoung Park, Jieun Kim, Young-Su Seo
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver disorders. Possible links have been recently found between the gut microbiota and the host metabolism in the development of NAFLD and obesity. Therefore, understanding the changes in intestinal microbiota during the progression of NAFLD is important. In this study, the effect of Kombucha tea (KT), obtained by microbial fermentation of sugared black tea, was investigated on gut-microbiota during the progression of NAFLD. The results indicated a decrease in Erysipelotrichia class by treatment with KT in comparison to the methionine/choline-deficient (MCD)-fed db/db mice. Allobaculum, Turicibacter, and Clostridium genera, were only detected in MCD-fed db/db mice and were decreased after treatment with KT, whereas Lactobacillus was more abundant in MCD+KT-fed mice than in MCD only-fed mice and Mucispirillum, was found only in the MCD+KT-fed mice group. Our results demonstrated that the change of intestinal microbiota was influenced by KT intake, contributing to combat NAFLD.
Keywords: gut-microbiota kombucha tea liver protection non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Country: Korea
Citation: Food Science and BiotechnologyFebruary , Volume 28, Issue 1, pp 261-267| Cite as
Study Mailing Address:
Department of Asian Food and Culinary ArtsYoungsan UniversityBusanKorea
Date Updated: January 13, 2021