Effects of chronic kombucha ingestion on open-field behaviors, longevity, appetitive behaviors, and organs in c57-bl/6 mice: a pilot study.
Anita M. Hartmann, CNRN, PhD, Laura E. Burleson, BS, Adam K. Holmes, BA, Charles R. Geist, PhD
Kombucha is a lightly fermented tea beverage popularly consumed as a self-prescribed folk-remedy for numerous ailments. Kombucha is claimed to enhance cognition, aid weight loss, and prolong life. This pilot study reports longevity, general health, and open-field exploratory behavioral outcomes from a 3-y longitudinal study of 64 C57-BL/6 mice (males and females), half of which chronically drank kombucha and all of which experienced natural mortality. Compared by MANOVA to controls, mice that drank kombucha showed greater vertical exploration (P = 0.001) and a sex-interactive effect in novel object manipulation (P = 0.049). MANOVA of kombucha-drinking mice compared to controls detected differences in appetitive behaviors (food consumption, P < 0.001; beverage consumption, P = 0.008), and gross body weight (P < 0.001). Appetitive behaviors changed with the addition of voluntary exercise on a running wheel, with differing patterns of change noted for males and females. Both male and female mice who drank kombucha lived longer than controls (P < 0.001), with the greatest variability among the male mice (interactive sex effect, P < 0.001). Comparable effects and mechanisms in humans remain uncertain, as do health safety issues because serious health problems and fatalities have been reported and attributed to drinking kombucha.
Keywords: kombucha, health effects, longevity, exploratory behaviors
Country: USA
Citation: Nutrition 16:755-761,
Study Mailing Address:
Anita M. Hartmann, CNRN, PhD, Department of
Psychology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-6480
Date Updated: January 13, 2021