Fermentation of black tea broth (Kombucha): I. Effects of sucrose concentration and fermentation time on the yield of microbial cellulose
W N Goh, A Rosma, B Kaur, A Fazilah, A A Karim, Rajeev Bhat
The yield and properties of cellulose produced from bacterial fermentation of black tea broth (known as Kombucha) were investigated in this study. The tea broth was fermented naturally over a period of up to 8 days in the presence of sucrose. Tea broth with a sucrose concentration of 90 g/l produced the highest yield of bacterial cellulose (66.9%). The thickness and yield of bacterial cellulose increased with fermentation time. The bacterial cellulose production increased correspondingly with increased surface area: depth ratio. Changes in pH were related to the symbiotic metabolic activities of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria, and the counts of both of these in the tea broths were relatively higher than those in the cellulose layer. Findings from this study suggest that the yield of cellulose depends on many factors that need to be optimized to achieve maximum yield.
Keywords: bacterial fermentation, kombucha tea, bacterial cellulose
Country: Maylasia
Citation: International Food Research Journal 19(1): 109-117
Study Mailing Address:
Food Technology Division, School of Industrial
Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800-Penang, Malaysia
Date Updated: March 9, 2020