Kadar Kolesterol Daging Ayam Broiler Setelah Pemberian Teh Kombucha
Silvana Tana, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani
The purpose of this experiment was to produce broiler chickens meat, which less of cholesterol. This research used the CP 707 broiler strains of 20 broiler chickens aged a week, with treatment kombucha tea that has been fermented for 12 days at the temperature of 25oC. The research design used a completely randomized with 4 treatment (for 4 weeks) and 5 replications, namely: P0 = control, without of kombucha tea, P1 = water + 10% kombucha tea, P2 = water + 20% kombucha tea, P3 = water + 40% kombucha tea. Parameters measured were cholesterol levels, body weight, and drink consumption. Data were analyzed with ANOVA followed by Duncan test at 95% confidence level were performed using SPSS version 10,0. The results showed that the administration of kombucha tea could reduce cholesterol meat levels significantly for broiler chickens.
Keywords: broiler chickens, kobucha tea, cholesterol
Country: Indonesia
Citation: KADAR KOLESTEROL DAGING AYAM BROILER Silvana Tana, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani 1 - 8
Study Mailing Address:
Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro
Date Updated: January 20, 2021