Kombucha Culture and Component Analysis
Fei Wang
A traditional tea drink acidic Fermentation broth contains a variety of nutritional factors, including tea, some nutrients, live microbial cells, and their metabolites. Kombucha bacteria are containing mainly acetic acid bacteria, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, and other cells. This paper trained to do Kombucha tea component analysis, and in the course of training in the analysis of pH and cell concentration Kombucha tea with time changes in their variation. Due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, pH has declined after the first rise, after the last increase in the value of certain stabilized. During the culture, the concentration of the bacteria that is the number of yeast and acetic acid bacteria belonging to the overall rise, especially in the first nine days maximum, then cultured for several days as to increase their growth rate slowed down. Their health for the latter study provides a theoretical mechanism basis.
Keywords: kombucha, bacterial analysis, kombucha culture, health mechanism
Country: China
Citation: International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovations (ICETI )
Study Mailing Address:
Nanyang Medical College, Nan Yang, He Nan ,China
Date Updated: March 10, 2020