Natalia O Kozyrovska, Bernard H. Foing
The sanitization at permanently manned lunar bases and consuming germ-free food in a concert with the effect of lunar stressors may result in crew disorders, including inflammatory and atopic states and decrease of resistance to indigenous pathogens, which present in the human organism in a suppressed state. The administration of live microbial supplements with presumptive health benefits on human physiology might be a reasonable solution to prevent dysbacteriosis. Many of microbial species are associated with the fermentation of dairy products; however, they have a short self-life and so far unpractical to be used at lunar habitation. The popular "Tea mushroom" or "Kombucha Tea" is a probiotic proven by FDA that many people are now taking in health-promoting diets to detoxify and revitalize the organism (Danielian, 1993; Sreeramulu et al., 2001). Kombucha is composed of symbiotic bacteria and yeasts, surrounded by a permeable membrane. The Kombucha culture is a tiny biochemical factory, producing organic acids, amino acids, enzymes, polyphenols, antibiotic substances, vitamins, enzymes as well as some other products beneficial for human health. Within the ages, the Kombucha Tea has been consumed by practically all nations in the Far East and now in Eastern Europe and America due to probiotic properties, and within this period, the Kombucha microbial ecosystem has been selected to be remarkably adaptive to culturing conditions and resistant to adverse factors. Metagenomic approaches in a study of microbial ecosystems will allow us to reconstruct the Kombucha microbiome and to elucidate unknown species and genes on the base of bioinformatics programs. Compared with Kombucha wild type, metabolically engineered strains, expected to exhibit broader substrate specificity, utilizing sugars from waste material, which will be used for Kombucha fermentation.
Keywords: amino acids, organic acids, ph, polyphenols, probiotics, stress, vitamin
Country: Ukraine/Denmark
Citation: 38th COSPAR Scientic Assembly
Date Updated: March 11, 2020