Microstructure and physical properties of microbial cellulose produced during fermentation of black tea broth (Kombucha). II.
W N Goh, A Rosma, B Kaur, A Fazilah, A A Karim, Rajeev Bhat
In this study, we evaluated and characterized microbial cellulose produced from Kombucha after the eighth day of fermentation by employing SEM, FTIR, X-ray diffractometry, adsorption isotherm, and by measuring the swelling properties. Results on SEM revealed a microbial cellulose layer to be composed of a compact cellulose ultrafine network-like structure. FTIR spectra showed the presence of a characteristic region of anomeric carbons (960 - 730 cm-1), wherein a band at 891.59 cm-1 confirmed the presence of , 1-4 linkages. Results of FTIR spectra also showed microbial cellulose to be free from contaminants such as lignin or hemicellulose, which are often present in plant cellulose. X-ray diffraction studies exhibited the overall degree of crystallinity index for MCC to be slightly lower than that of microbial cellulose. Results on swelling properties indicated microbial cellulose to possess higher fiber liquid retention values (10-160%) compared to commercial MCC (5-70%). The adsorption isotherm curves showed similarities between microbial cellulose with that of a pure crystalline substance. Overall, results obtained in this study were comparable with the commercial microcrystalline cellulose, indicating that the process developed by us can be explored industrially on a pilot scale.
Keywords: microbial cellulose, sem, ftir, x-ray diffractometry, adsorption isotherm, swellingproperties
Country: Malaysia
Citation: International Food Research Journal Vol.19 No.1 pp.153-158 ref.27
Study Mailing Address:
Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Date Updated: January 21, 2021