Mineral and water soluble vitamin content in the Kombucha drink
Biljana Bauer-Petrovska, Lidija Petrushevska-Tozi
Biologically active substances (water-soluble vitamins and minerals) were analyzed in 'Kombucha'-a curative liquor, produced by the so-called 'Kombucha cultivation' (Macedonian collection of microorganisms, No 734) in sweet black tea decoct. The water-soluble vitamins in the Kombucha drink were separated and identified using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and quantified by the comparison of their chromatographic UV spectra with the reference compounds. Four soluble vitamins have been determined to have the following concentrations: vitamin B1 0.74 mg ml1, vitamin B6 0.52 mg ml1, vitamin B12 0.84 mg ml1, and vitamin C 1.51 mg ml1. Mineral elements of nutritional and toxicological importance were determined in dissolved ash using atomic absorption chromatography (AAS). Mineral composition content involved the determination of the essential elements: zinc, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, and cobalt. Investigations of some toxic elements showed that lead and chromium were present in very small amounts, whereas cadmium was not found.
Keywords: black tea, cadmium, iron, ph, vitamin
Country: Macedonia
Citation: International journal of food science & technology, 35(2), 201-205.
Study Mailing Address:
Faculty of Pharmacy, University 'St. Ciryl and Methodius', Vodnjanska 17, 91000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Fax: +389 91 614167;
Date Updated: January 21, 2021