Optimasi fermentasi cairan kopi dengan inokulan kultur kombucha (Kombucha coffee)
Tuti Rahayu Dan, Triastuti Rahayu
Coffee is one of the non-alcoholic beverage ingredients, as a mixture of sweets, and as a market for medical practices. In terms of the utilization of coffee drinks can stimulate breathing, eliminate drowsiness, as a body and mind freshener. Therefore, coffee is one of the drinks that are loved by people all over the world, usually served in fresh conditions. But now has succeeded in the existence of coffee drinks served in the form of fermentation with inoculum Kombucha tea (KT), which came to be known as Kombucha coffee (KC). KT actually has been known since ancient times as a drink that is beneficial to health. This is possible to occur in KC, which has chemical compounds with certain compositions. So this study aims to determine the composition of chemical compounds contained in KC, the effect of fermentation time, especially the tannin and alcohol content, and determine the optimum fermentation time on KC. The study was conducted with the experimental method using a completely randomized design of 1 factor, namely fermentation time (0, 6, 12, and 18 days). Data about the composition of the chemical compound kombucha coffee was measured by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results of research on the highest alcohol content produced after 18 days fermentation time are 0.1317%, the highest tannin content is 0.0474675%, and the lowest pH 3.33 is produced at 12 days fermentation time. Furthermore, the composition of the Kombucha coffee chemical compound was analyzed using quantitative descriptive.
Keywords: fermentation, inokulan, kombuchea coffee
Country: Indonesia
Citation: Jurnal Penelitian Sains & Teknologi, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2007: 15 - 29
Study Mailing Address:
Jl. A. Yani, Mendungan, Pabelan, Kec. Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57162, Indonesia
Date Updated: March 12, 2020