Radomir V. Malbaa, Eva S. Lonar, Ljiljana A. Kolarov
In human nutrition, nucleic acids have to be balanced and limited up to 2 g/day because purines are degraded to urate, and excessive production of urate is a cause of gaut, which primarily affects adult males. Tea fungus beverage is a well-known drink with high nutritional value and certain curative effects. Its benefits have been proved in a number of studies, but it is still necessary to examine some potentially harmful effects of this beverage. The aim of this paper was to investigate the content of ribonucleic acids (RNA) produced during tea fungus fermentation on a usual substrate, sweetened black tea, and on Jerusalem artichoke tubers (JAT) extract using the method by Munro and Fleck (1966). pH, ribonucleaic acids, and also the production of proteins that affect the purity of nucleic acids preparations were monitored. A higher value of RNA has been noticed in JAT veverage (0.57 mg/ml), and with the observation of the usual daily dose of the beverage, it is a completely safe and useful one.
Keywords: tea fungus, kombucha, fermentation, ribonucleic acids
Country: Serbia
Citation: Acta periodica technologica, (34), 103-110.
Study Mailing Address:
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bul. C. Lazara, 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Tel.: +381 21 485 3730; fax: +381 21 450 413
Date Updated: March 13, 2020