So What is Kombucha? An Alcoholic or a Non-Alcoholic Beverage? A Brief Selected Literature Review and Personal Reflection
Gary Spedding Ph.D.
Kombucha is a complex beverage touted to be both refreshing and health-promoting, almost ascribed to the status of a cult-like "cure-all." Yet, despite its long history (and incredible popularity as a homemade beverage - especially over the last 50-100 years) it remains largely a mystery (at least outside the academic literati) as to how all the microorganisms inter-play to create a diverse metabolic soup and highly acidic (sometimes throat-burningly so) beverage. Indeed only within the last two years have the majority of microorganisms involved in the gelatinous mass (a biofilm known in the business as a Scoby - "symbiotic community of bacteria and yeast" or zoogleal mat) been finally identified through modern molecular genetics. Furthermore, while a few papers have touched upon the metabolic properties, - the chemicals present in Kombucha and Kombuchalike beverages for example, - there is a solid lack of understanding as to the true concentration of key components; to the best practices for the sensory evaluation of these products; and to the potential for both alcohol and acetic acid production (the dominant acidic note) in stated beverages.
Keywords: acetic acid, review, time
Country: United States
Citation: BDAS, LLC WPSP#2 - Oct
Study Mailing Address:
Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services, LLC, 1141 Red Mile Road, Suite 202, Lexington, KY 40504
Date Updated: March 29, 2020