Solid-state Fermentation of Kombucha on SC5 Cassava-Leucaena Protein Feed
LUO Chang-hu
Objective: To explore the optimum solid-state fermentation of Kombucha on SC5 Cassava-Leucaena protein feed. [Method] Kombucha was used as fermention bacteria for solid-state fermentation of SC5 cassava-Leucaena protein feed. The fermentation time,the base material ratio,water feed ratio,inoculum size, and fermentation temperature were optimized. [Results] The optimum solid-state fermentation conditions were fermentation time of 6 d,cassava, and Leucaena mass ratio of 73,200 ml of H2O,10 ml of Kombucha solution,30 . The crude protein content of feed (23.64%) was substantially increased compared with that before optimization. [Conclusion] The fermentation process can effectively improve the utilization of SC5 cassava-Leucaena protein feed.
Keywords: protein, temperature, time
Country: China
Citation: Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 2010-09
Study Mailing Address:
Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute,CATAS,Danzhou,Hainan 571737
Date Updated: January 26, 2021