Sucrose and Inulin Balance During Tea Fungus Fermentation
Radomir V. Malbaa, Eva S. Lonar, Ljiljana A. Kolarov
Tea fungus or kombucha is a symbiosis of several yeast strains and acetic bacteria. This symbiosis is capable of converting a very simple substrate in a slightly carbonated, acidic, refreshing beverage. The usual substrate for tea fungus fermentation is black tea sweetened with sucrose. The significant amount of sucrose stays unfermented in the beverage after fermentation, and this is the reason why it is not recommended for dietetic nutrition. We investigated tea fungus fermentation on two different substrates, one with sucrose and the other one with Jerusalem Artichoke tubers (J.A.T.) extract, which contains polyfructan inulin and its polyfructan fractions. The aim of this paper was the investigation of the percentage of conversion of basic sources of carbon and its distribution.
Keywords: tea fungus, kombucha, fermentation, jerusalem artichoke, inulin, sucrose
Country: Yugoslavia
Citation: Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, 7(1), 573-576.
Study Mailing Address:
Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bul. Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, Fax 381 021 450 413,
Date Updated: March 13, 2020