Variations in Major Components of Pu-erh Tea Infusion during Fermentation by Kombucha Culture
Zhen-jun Zhao, Li Zhou, Qin-jin Liu
Different storage-age Pu-erh tea (1,5,10 years) infusion (8 g/L) sweetened with sucrose 50 g/L was filtrated and inoculated with kombucha culture for 8-day fermentation at 28 ℃.The fermentation broth was dynamically analyzed for microbial population, pH, tea polyphenols, total acidity, protein, and biomass, as well as high-boiling-point substances. Results showed that there were no obvious differences in the microbial population, pH values, etc. between Pu-erh and green or black tea infusion fermented by kombucha culture. Therefore, Pu-erh tea infusion was an excellent matrix for kombucha fermentation. Added together, 35 non-volatile components (mainly including 14 alcohols and 13 acids) were identified by GC-MS in different storage-age Pu-erh tea infusion fermented by kombucha for 3, 4, 6, 7 days and 8 days. Alcohols were detected with the most frequencies at the initial fermentation stage (0-4 days), and acids were dominant later. Citric acid, nonahexacontanoic acid, l-(+)-ascorbic acid, 2, 6-dihexadecanoate, etc. were detected in the maturation period (the 7th day), which may be the crucial constituents in favor of health in fermented Pu-erh tea infusion by kombucha.
Keywords: acidity, black tea, citric acid, ph, polyphenols, protein, pu-erh tea, sucrose
Country: China
Citation: FOOD SCIENCE Vol. 31 Issue (1): 79-83
Study Mailing Address:
1. College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China; 2. College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China
Date Updated: February 18, 2021