Pemanfaatan Teh Kombucha sebagai obat hiperurisemia melalui penghambatan aktifitas xantin oksidase pada Rattus norvegicus
Dewa Ayu Windu Manik Anandagiri, I. B. Putra Manuaba, Dwi Adhi Suastuti, dan Ni G. A. M
The formation of high levels of uric acid and problems of its excretion from the body can lead to hyperuricemia. This study serves to examine the kombucha tea as a hyperuricemia drug activity through the inhibition of the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Kombucha tea was used with three different variations offer mentation namely: teaA(4days),teaB(8days),teaC(12days), and two variations of the dose, I .e.10 mL/kg BW and40mL/kg BW. This study uses a"posttest only control group" design. A total of 27Wistarrats(Rattusnorvegicus) are grouped into 9 groups,K(negative control),H(control hyperuricemia),A(control allopurinol),P1(tea Adose of10mL/kg BW),P2(tea Adose40mL/kg BW),P3(tea Bdose 10mL/kg BW),P4(tea Bdose 40mL/kg BW),P5(tea dose 10mL/kg BW),P6(tea dose 40mL/kg BW).The rats were given high feed purine for research, namely chicken liver juice and melinjoso, that they contracted the hyperuricemia condition. The high purine feeds were administered on all groups of rats except the negative control group. The experiment was undertaken to compare the effectiveness of allopurinol with kombucha tea. This experiment was done for nine days. On the last day, an analysis of the levels of uric acid and xanthine oxidase activity was undertaken, and the data were analyzed using ANOVA. The conclusion was that the biggest decline in drug for the treatment of hyperuricemia was kombucha tea B with those of40mL/kg BW.
Keywords: kombucha, teh, asam-urat, hiperurisemia, xantin-oksidase, allopurinol
Country: Indonesia
Citation: JURNAL KIMIA 8 (2), JULI : 220-225
Study Mailing Address:
Jurusan KimiaFMIPA Universitas Udayana, Bukit Jimbaran
Date Updated: January 21, 2021