Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Bioteknologi Berbasis Penelitian Uji Fermentasi Pada Kombucha Dengan Berbagai Jenis Bahan Alam Lokal
Mahda Mumtahanah, Cicilia Novi Primiani, Muh Waskito Ardhi
Teaching materials are one of the main subjects in the learning process in the classroom. Research-based teaching materials is an innovation to compile and summarize the results of research so that it can be utilized in developing the creativity of students with language and simple description in accordance with students' thinking patterns. The purpose of this research is to arrange chemicals with various types of local natural materials. This research adopts the Dick & Carey development model. Eligibility for teaching materials above 2 expert validators, namely high school teachers Biology subjects and lecturers experts in the field of Biotechnology and Education. The data collected are quantitative and qualitative data. The collected data is analyzed descriptively quantitatively and qualitatively. Validator 1 validation results have a total score of 32 with the value of the validity of teaching materials by 80% with the revision, Validator 2 has a score of 40 so that the value of the percentage of the validity of teaching materials by 100% with refisi. Based on the validation of the biotechnology materials that are prepared categorized as very valid and feasible to use.
Keywords: teaching materials, natural nature materials, kombucha
Country: Indonesia
Citation: Prosiding Seminar Nasional SIMBIOSIS II, Madiun, 30 September p-ISSN : 9772599121008 e-ISSN : 9772613950003
Study Mailing Address:
Universitas PGRI Madiun
Date Updated: January 22, 2021