Understanding Kombucha Tea Fermentation: A Review
Silvia Alejandra Villarreal-Soto, Sandra Beaufort, Jalloul Bouajila, Jean-Pierre Souchard, Patricia Taillandier
Kombucha is a beverage of probable Manchurian origins obtained from fermented tea by a microbial consortium composed of several bacteria and yeasts. This mixed consortium forms a powerful symbiosis capable of inhibiting the growth of potentially contaminating bacteria. The fermentation process also leads to the formation of a polymeric cellulose pellicle due to the activity of certain strains of Acetobacter sp. The tea fermentation process by the microbial consortium was able to show an increase in certain biological activities that have been already studied; however, little information is available on the characterization of its active components and their evolution during fermentation. Studies have also reported that the use of infusions from other plants may be a promising alternative.
Keywords: bioactivity, fermentation, kombuchatea, microbialcellulose, symbiosis
Country: France
Citation: Villarreal-Soto, Silvia Alejandra, et al. "Understanding Kombucha Tea Fermentation: A Review." Journal of food science 83.3 (2018): 580-588.
Study Mailing Address:
Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, UMR 5503, Univ. de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, Toulouse, France
Date Updated: February 6, 2021